
Kang Minkyung's confusing shirt found to be a luxury brand

Article: "Is that a shirt? or lingerie?" Kang Minkyung's provocative shirt found to be a luxury brand worth 1 million won

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+1,648, -197] How much money does she have lying around that she has the ability to buy such a shirt for a million won... and it's not even a special occasion

2. [+1,115, -107] Please just go to sleep if you drank

3. [+958, -112] Ugh cringe, what is she doing?

4. [+45, -2] This is the most stupidest looking shirt I've seen in all 35 years of my life, but I'm sure I'm the fool for not knowing what fashion is, right?

5. [+36, -4] How could you pay a million won for such a dumb shirt...

6. [+36, -9] I don't think it looks good at all...

7. [+30, -1] I'm sure she couldn't wear it while sober either which is why she wore it out to drink ㅋㅋ

8. [+23, -2] I wonder if she bought it because she really thinks it's pretty... I'd rather just a clean, simple shirt instead

9. [+23, -4] So pathetic to see people buying stuff like this just because it's a luxury brand ㅋㅋ what is that ㅋㅋ

10. [+21, -0] Anyone in public would think a woman walking around with a shirt like that is missing a few screws ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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