
Jung Woo Sung's passion for refugee acceptance backed by years of volunteer work

Article: "Backed by his years of volunteer service" Jung Woo Sung has every right to make a statement on refugees

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+3,244, -269] Yes, Jung Woo Sung does have the right to make a statement on the issue since he has spent years volunteering for refugee protection organizations. However, Koreans are already dying enough as it is in one of the worst economic situations of our times. We just don't have the room to take them in.

2. [+3,199, -250] The media keeps putting out articles in support of refugees but I am adamantly against it.

3. [+2,792, -175] I am adamantly against the accepting of refugees

4. [+200, -10] Even if Jung Woo Sung has done charity work for refugees, he has no chance of bumping into them in regular life. He just feels bad for them, that's all. But the people who live in Jeju Island and the rest of us will be facing these refugees in our everyday lives and who knows what the threats of danger are? And we're already a country with a youth employment crisis, it's preposterous that we need to be worrying about refugee employment too.

5. [+182, -11] Why does the media keep talking as if people are in favor of accepting refugees? There are 300,000 signatures petitioning against it on the Blue House petition board right now

6. [+138, -11] Whatever, he can do it all he wants if he takes the refugees into his own home ^^ It's fine for people like him to support refugees when he lives in high security apartments with bodyguards all the time. Why should we be the ones living side by side with refugees? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ What's the point of this article?

7. [+118, -12] I'm against accepting refugees. Jung Woo Sung can do it with his own money and in his own home.

8. [+105, -5] Our own people need to live first

9. [+96, -9] Yes, he has every right to speak out on the issue but he can accept refugees in the comfort of his own home if he cares so much

10. [+73, -3] No is no. Look at all the other European countries who have taken in refugees. Even other Muslim countries aren't taking in refugees, why should Korea when we don't even share the same religion?

11. [+66, -5] He should search up on what's been happening to Germany, Sweden, Hungary, and England over these refugee issues before opening his mouth.

12. [+61, -3] The burden of these refugees should not be put on the rest of us just because he's involved in their charity. He's free to do volunteer work as he pleases but the issue of refugees is one that affects our society as a whole. As big of a fan as I am, I don't think this is right. Has he even studied on the effects of these problems?

13. [+58, -3] This ba$tard doesn't seem to realize the difference between giving a homeless man $10 and letting that homeless man into my own home


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