
Bae Yong Joon denies any affiliation with Park Jin Young's sect

Article: Bae Yong Joon reps, "NOT a part of the salvation sect... I attended the bible study as a friend of Park Jin Young's"

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+2,862, -82] Oh so you were only there for a friend but that's why you were caught in pictures helping with the chairs and everything, right?... Yeah.. makes sense...

2. [+2,636, -61] Anyone who's Christian will know... that you don't just go to another sect's bible study... especially if it's the salvation sect of all sects...

3. [+2,264, -58] Everyone, be careful of who you keep around you. Park Jin Young seems deep into this sect, I don't see him breaking out of it that easily.

4. [+154, -1] Seeing as how they're all denying it, they seem to be aware that the sect is bad at least.

5. [+152, -1] At this rate, Dispatch might be able to find where Yoo Byung Eon is hiding ㅎㅎ

6. [+133, -1] Are they embarrassed since they're denying affiliation to the sect?

7. [+94, -3] Ah... so that's why you were helping bring in the chairs and desks, right?

8. [+90, -2] I think he's a coward... even when his wife was going through the incubator scandal, he didn't say a word...

9. [+87, -2] I knew they were disgustingly close for some reason

10. [+69, -0] I think all these denial articles are even funnier... why do they believe in a religion that they can't even be proud of believing in?

11. [+64, -1] Does he realize that's the same thing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

12. [+64, -1] I get why Park Jin Young is in it since his wife is a sect member and all but why is this fool in it?

13. [+55, -0] At least they're admitting that the sect is bad since they're denying it so vehemently

14. [+51, -1] What a coward ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

15. [+49, -1] Hilarious how this couple are both getting themselves into different scandals ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Article: Park Jin Young, believes in the bible but not in a religion or denomination?

Source: Seoul Econ via Nate

1. [+1,393, -34] He says he could die right now with no regrets and yet he's taking legal action ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ is this a comedy? Have fun spending the rest of your life promoting that sect

2. [+1,345, -35] Of all religions, it had to be the salvation sect...

3. [+1,277, -24] Tell us confidently the name of your sect... I noticed that people who are a part of this sect never admit to it ㅡㅡ

4. [+80, -5] You get good with lies once you fall into a cult... The sect is all about being forgiven of all your past, current, and future crimes so he probably doesn't even care about a little lie like this one

5. [+79, -2] What's scary about this sect is that they consider Yoo Byung Eon their god and they were involved in the group suicide scandal of Oh Dae Yang as well as the reason for the Sewol Ferry scandal in 2014... They were the reason hundreds of children died in that cold ocean.

6. [+66, -2] I wonder why all cult members are so embarrassed to admit to it

7. [+62, -0] So he's claiming that he believes in the bible but has no religion? Is he ridiculous? Reveal the name of your church! Then we'll believe you

8. [+49, -4] What an odd way to go~ hyung, just cause a scandal~ why are you being like this

9. [+46, -0] He's only denying it because his stocks are dropping... after listening to his claims, it's exactly the way the sect teaches you to lie

10. [+38, -1] Jin Young-ah, you won't be saved if you keep lying like thtat


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