Article: 'M! Countdown' AOA comeback, from sexy to cutie
Source: X Sports News via Nate
1. [+508, -149] I always assumed Seolhyun was the top for just her body and face but she's actually a great dancer too
2. [+452, -189] Hate on Seolhyun all you want but even you'll admit that you'd go crazy if you ever saw her in real life ㅋㅋ
3. [+259, -101] I think they're over, their song is so bad
4. [+70, -65] Can all of you men who claimed to be done being her fan stop clicking her articles and leaving all this hate? Even the top 1% of men are doing anything to get her attention, do you think anything you pathetic things do will impact her at all? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She's going to live just fine without you
5. [+44, -42] The song is so bad ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ they were hyping it up on SNS like it was their best ever and yet it's pushed off of Melon ㅜㅜ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ this is really their end. Have fun being a feminist ^^ most of Seolhyun's male fans are done with her. I'll be quitting any future female celebrity who claims to be a feminist ^^
6. [+27, -24] The AOA members bodies are no joke, they're so pretty
7. [+26, -3] Jimin's rap part is too long... I've been listening to her voice for years and it still sounds weird to me
8. [+25, -6] Their songs have been sh*t since ever since 'Heart Attack'
9. [+25, -8] Look at the feminist dancing in clothes like that ^^
10. [+25, -18] This group is going to be nothing if Seolhyun ever leaves...
11. [+24, -5] It's hypocritical to me that feminists are supporting the one group that sells sex as a product
12. [+22, -4] Their song is worse than any previous one but of course feminazis are trying to take over the comments. Choa's refreshing voice is missing. Their stage just looks like a children's talent show.
13. [+19, -6] Never did I think I'd see the day of feminazis defending Seolhyun ㅋㅋㅋ
14. [+18, -4] All these feminazi unnis who choose to forget that AOA earned fame off of their 'Short Skirt' song which talks about seducing men in short skirts ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I honestly don't think feminazis care about feminism or anything, this is just another excuse for them act like chodings and to pick sides and start fights ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
15. [+17, -10] I don't see AOA lasting much longer
from Netizen Buzz