
Suzy reveals she records her conversations when she's drunk

Article: Suzy, "I turn on my recorder when I drink"

Source: TV Report via Nate

"When I go drinking with my friends, I turn on my recorder and interview them. When you play it back when you're sober, you realize that you used words or shared stories that you don't remember sharing. It's surprising. Sometimes we even forget that we said those things at all. I want to do drunk interviews of those types because I think that the influence of alcohol helps you see a side of how they really are. I think it'd be fun to share honest stories with a bit of that influence."


1. [+1,790, -280] She can't speak properly even when she's sober though

2. [+1,3852, -182] I get where she's coming from. She's so bad at speaking on TV, imagine when she's drunk. Might be even more dangerous.

3. [+1,155, -147] It's probably moreso to be careful... since you can make mistakes when you're drunk ㅜㅋ

4. [+99, -22] Suzy's the type where she tries too hard to be careful when speaking in public spots so she'll spin her story round and round until she forgets what the point of what she was trying to say at all

5. [+81, -7] Hul... that's actually really annoying to her other friends when they're drinking. People are going to be afraid of being recorded so they have to watch what they're saying;;; it's not like the recorder only picks up her voice ㅡㅡ she's actually so thoughtless;; ㅋㅋ

6. [+73, -16] I like Suzy but... this sounds wrong ㅠㅠ I know someone like this. They record stuff people said over drinks and hash over it the next day like "it made me upset when you said this~"... exhausting

7. [+62, -19] I never feel any depth to her. No charm~ she has no scent of her own

8. [+52, -9] I'd be annoyed if I was her friend... isn't that an invasion of privacy??

9. [+49, -6] I wonder what she was trying to achieve by sharing this... is she dumb?

10. [+37, -8] Suzy-ya, start reading more. The more you read, the easier it'll be to form your thoughts into words. Let's read!!!!!

11. [+35, -8] Suzy really needs to read up and gain some knowledge... she has a pretty face, but that's it!!

12. [+34, -4] Does she not care that others would feel uncomfortable with being recorded?

13. [+33, -6] Just makes me wonder how many mistakes she makes that she needs to record herself

14. [+33, -4] I think it'd be uncomfortable for others...


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