Article: "That's stomach fat?" Dal Shabet's Seri is shy about showing off her bikini body
Source: Mydaily via Nate
"I debated over whether to upload these or not but decided to confirm that yes that is my stomach fat to show that I'm human too. Heheh."
1. [+471, -43] Women always post stuff like this when they know there's barely any stomach fat in the photos because they know it's annoying to admit that themselves so they act like they're dissing themselves instead ㅋ It's honestly so fake that women are always using tactics like this
3. [+228, -6] She must not know what stomach fat is supposed to look like
4. [+30, -1] All of Dal Shabet seem to have sponsors for nugus like them to live a lifestyle like this
5. [+25, -0] Guys, she's asking for compliments on her new chest, give her some
6. [+25, -0] It's so painfully obvious what women are trying to say when they do this
8. [+16, -2] People who are really self conscious about their stomach fat would never post something like this
9. [+12, -0] Her body looks so unnatural ㅋㅋㅋ
10. [+8, -1] I think she'd faint if she saw my stomach fat
from Netizen Buzz