
'Produce 48' trainees to be paid for being on the show unlike previous seasons

Article: [Exclusive] 'Produce 48' to pay for trainees appearance fees + singing... 100,000 won per episode + 100,000 won per song

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+188, -4] They should change the voting system so that we can vote separately for a Korean trainee and a Japanese trainee ㅡㅡ it feels wrong that Koreans can't vote for Koreans
- That does sound wrong ㅋㅋㅋ
- Well they probably want Koreans to vote for the Japanese members they feel will do well in Korea and the Korean members they feel will do well in Japan

2. [+144, -15] 'Pick Me' and 'Nayana' are such dumb songs but super addictive... I just can't feel confident listening to them in public though ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+116, -6] Uh, duh? Unless the previous season trainees were never paid at all?
- I remember in the first season, their contracts specified that they wouldn't be paid for being on the show
- But you have to consider that being on this show gives you the chance of becoming a millionaire with no expense on your end. It's a benefit, through and through. There are thousands of trainees who would want this opportunity, and a lot who would actually pay to be on the show, nevermind get paid. With only 48 members, they have more than a chance to get their name out there for free.

4. [+7, -1] I wonder who the show is going to witch hunt this time...

5. [+6, -2] So the previous seasons weren't paid all this time?

6. [+4, -0] Korean kids are used to interning for free and all that but the Japanese are meticulous when it comes to money issues so...

7. [+4, -2] I heard Japanese girl groups are super good at varieties, can't wait

8. [+3, -2] I guess their Japanese agencies had a problem with not being paid ㅎ


from Netizen Buzz