Article: Kian84 under controversy for ridiculing the #metoo movement... "Female fans have to stand far away from me because of #metoo"
Source: Donga Ilbo via Nate
1. [+4,531, -735] He's just being careful, how is that ridiculing the movement? Idiots need to stop blowing everything out of proportion
2. [+4,421, -671] Ugh must be so tiring to be him
3. [+3,828, -656] Of course the journalist is female. How is it logical to call that controversial?
4. [+164, -86] People who act like they need to be careful because of #metoo are obviously doing it out of guilt because they know they've done something guilty of it in the past
5. [+140, -96] Once again, people are too triggered...
6. [+106, -89] This journalist seems to be the only one who thinks it's controversial
7. [+90, -81] Aren't women the ones who made up all these rules in the first place anyway? If a man has his hand on her, it's "rude hands", if a man keeps his hand hovering around her, it's "manner hands" ㅋㅋㅋ
8. [+78, -71] Why did I already know the gender of the journalist who wrote this just by reading the article title ㅋㅋㅋ
9. [+68, -81] Not like he's wrong, why are women complaining when he's just complying to what they want, f*ck
10. [+55, -77] He's saying this out of consideration for women after all, isn't he?
11. [+51, -9] Why are the comments like this? I think the people who find what he said problematic think it's a problem because he's making a joke out of the movement like how people will call something trivial cancerous which makes light of the suffering of people actually going through cancer
12. [+41, -27] Obviously Kian is making light of the controversy. The whole point of #metoo is to expose sex crimes and yet he's making it seem like it's something stupid, like he can't take pictures with his female fans because of it. What kind of mindset is that???
Source: Naver
1. [+5,285, -1,585] I can see why he'd be careful though... careers are ruined in an instant because of it...
2. [+2,905, -1,076] Why is that controversial?
3. [+1,917, -348] When did anyone ever start a #metoo over standing close to someone to take a picture? All the #metoos have been about direct sexual harassment and rape... Why is he talking like the movement is about women kicking a fuss over trivial things?
4. [+1,980, -703] There's nothing wrong with being careful. I don't think he's ridiculing the movement, how frustrating. I'm sure he's more frustrated by everyone blowing it out of proportion.
5. [+1,356, -588] He's protecting himself, why is that so wrong?
6. [+825, -91] Anyone who complains about how he "can't say anything now because of #metoo" just means that he's been verbally abusive int he past
7. [+523, -38] Kian just seems representative of men on the internet. The way I see it, the things he's said about women show a lot of malice towards them. He lacks confidence and self esteem when it comes to communicating with women and seems like the type who would be more preoccupied with acting like the 'ideal boyfriend' than just treating them right.
8. [+553, -121] I wonder how men have been acting on the regular that they need to be this careful?
9. [+429, -9] I don't think #metoo is anything to be joking about. How can he say "In case I get #metoo'd"... He's talking about women as if they're just accusing anyone of #metoo. Who ever accused someone of #metoo just for standing too close? The people involved have all gone through traumatic experiences... Please don't joke about it like you're scared someone's going to #metoo you just for standing too close.
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