
Jun Ji Hyun and Song Hye Gyo are two of the top paid actresses per drama episode

Article: Song Hye Gyo, Jun Ji Hyun paid in the 200 million won range per drama episode... "top pay in the industry"

Source: Chosun via Naver

1. [+1,613, -63] Song Hye Gyo's acting skills ㅋㅋㅋ it's like she's reading out of a textbook

2. [+686, -3] Enough is enough, start casting some other actors. There are tons without jobs right now.

3. [+445, -18] That's crazy. They make enough with one episode that others can barely make after working 20 years for ㅋ

4. [+412, -7] What a waste of money

5. [+418, -24] Song Hye Gyo's acting is just... sigh...

6. [+320, -8] Song Hye Gyo never tries anything new, never shows any transformation. Always~~~ in the same spot. Never wants to do anything crazy with her facial expressions or any action scenes... even her lines are just reading out of a textbook. I don't get why people still cast her. She's the biggest bubble there is in the industry.

7. [+268, -13] At least Jun Ji Hyun deserves it because her role is physically difficult with all the running around the mountains and all, which I'm sure comes with its own injuries... but Song Hye Gyo? Always with the red lipstick, always with the same arrogant facial expressions... what does she do to deserve 200 million won an episode?

8. [+192, -2] Celebrities are paid way too much. I'd rather they cut back and pay the supporting casts and extras a bit more.

9. [+160, -2] If you're going to pay out that much for the role, couldn't you at least consider the viewers more and get someone who can actually act...?

10. [+153, -8] Song Hye Gyo is getting older but she still only picks dramas with love stories with younger men. Enough with the love stories... I can't stand her slurred pronunciations.

11. [+124, -5] All Song Hye Gyo knows how to do is look at the camera with teary eyes. She refuses to use any other facial muscle when she speaks. She looks like she's spacing off while moving her lips. Is it because she's scared of wrinkles or what? How is she being paid 200 million won for the same acting every time?

12. [+102, -0] Too expensive. These dramas will still be good even if you replace them with other actresses. It's not necessary to pay out that much for them...

13. [+103, -2] I don't get why Song Hye Gyo is still considered top class when all she does is melodramas. Her characters are always the same, her acting's always the same... she should think of her age and try to give herself an acting transformation by trying a different genre. Enough with all this love crap...

14. [+87, -0] Even 20 million won an episode would be a lot, this is crazy

15. [+33, -1] Don't watch their dramas. You guys do realize that this will all come down to the consumers in the end? All the marketing expenses, equipment... casting pay is all a part of that.


from Netizen Buzz