Article: Hyuna writes words of consolation to elementary school classmate who claimed to be bullied
Source: Insight via Instagram
1. [+722] I wonder if they felt better about themselves after going this far to lie about it...
2. [+764] Why not report the teacher too ㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+338] As someone who graduated from the same high school as Hyuna, I assure you that this rumor is unfounded. I understand that the internet has become a place where you can express your grievances but it can also be maliciously used to start lies and rumors to manipulate the media. The Hyuna that I knew was never capable of violence, let alone putting anyone down. She was always respectful of others. I think it's important for the public to realize that with all this school bullying #metoo going on, there are still some who are using it for malicious gain and that we shouldn't be so quick to rush to judgment.
4. [+537] People are going to start coming forward with stories about pre-school now and how so and so grabbed them
5. [+125] Enough with this! If you were bullied in school, go take it up with the person and get an apology from them.
6. [+187] Slapping a cheek in elementary school ㅋㅋㅋ I don't know if it's true or not but who here has graduated without getting into one fight with a friend?
7. [+486] Hyuna won 👏
8. [+40] Hmm.. if this type of bullying happened in middle or high shcool, I agree that proper punishments need to be dealt.. but it becomes a gray area for me with elementary school. Yes, what happened was wrong, but with how much time has passed, there's a possibility that your memory of it was misinterpreted...
9. [+26] We'll never be able to know the truth so we can only hope that these people live on in life with a feeling of their own shame
10. [+15] Sure, yes, school bullying is bad... but how many people never got into one fight with their friends in school..?
from Netizen Buzz