
Girlfriend's Sowon criticized for posing with a mannequin in Nazi uniform

Article: Girlfriend's Sowon, hugging a Nazi mannequin... quietly deleted after criticism

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

1. [+781, -83] If she didn't know, she can educate herself, and once she educates herself, she can make sure this doesn't happen again. Let's not turn someone into a criminal over one mistake. Do you think she would've done this if she truly had known? She just needs to make sure to take an interest in these things and be careful in the future.

2. [+441, -16] She'd be stupid if she didn't know what Nazis were at all but I think it's understandable that she wasn't able to draw the connection by just looking at the outfit alone... I don't think this was intentional so I don't think we should push her into a corner. If she had known, I don't think she would've done it.

3. [+424, -28] How is anyone supposed to know that's a Nazi uniform? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's not like the mannequin is doing a Nazi salute or there's a Nazi symbol anywhere on it. It's hard to tell just by looking at the clothes alone; And international fans are being so hypocritical right now. Why is it okay for them to go around wearing rising sun t-shirts but suddenly we're the ones who have to be careful when the mannequin doesn't even have a Nazi symbol or salute on it??

4. [+147, -16] She did not delete it because of the criticisms ㅋㅋ she was hanging out with her fans and her fans got jealous over the mannequin so she called it a joke and deleted it ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+71, -7] Journalist, the point of these pictures was for her to make her fans playfully jealous. She posted them and saw that her fans were getting jealous and playing around so she deleted it right after that. She deleted it way before any controversy popped up from it. 

6. [+44, -1] To all of you calling her stupid, I wonder how many of you would've known that that was Nazi uniform right away? ㅋㅋ Apparently she didn't even take this in a museum but in some Korean cafe ㅋㅋ

7. [+36, -3] Still, it's important that she apologizes. We also demand foreigners who take pictures with rising sun symbols so I'm sure foreigners feel the same about this issue. What she did is equivalent to someone hugging a rising sun soldier. It's all the same mistake so it's best to just apologize in a clean manner.

8. [+31, -2] No one, not even the journalist, seems to know that Sowon was just trying to playfully make her fans jealous, which she deleted right after her fans started saying they were. And where on that uniform do you see a Nazi symbol? How many people could look at this uniform and think "that's a Nazi!!!"? Even the location the photo was taken at was at some schedule film spot. Please stop trying to push her into a corner and exile her from the industry without any context.

9. [+24, -0] Whether she's stupid aside, why should we let Westerners yella t us over a uniform that has no Nazi symbols on it anywhere? When westerners are always using the rising sun flag in all of their designers? How is anyone supposed to look at this uniform and be able to tell what era it's from? I'm not shielding her, I genuinely think that she could've not known. I didn't know either... And regardless, she deleted it right away so she should just be careful in the future. I wonder how many of the people hating on her right now would be able to recognize a rising sun symbol?

10. [+18, -0] She probably assumed he was just a regular soldier, how could she have known he was a Nazi soldier?

11. [+17, -0] First of all, why is there a mannequin wearing a Nazi uniform displayed in a Korean cafe? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 'Goblin' was filmed here so I'm sure a ton of people have come and gone and yet no mention of the mannequin by anyone before Sowon took pictures with it... I really think no one knew what uniform the mannequin was wearing at all. People are blaming her for being a Nazi sympathizer or whatever but I doubt they even know their history up to a middle school level themselves.

12. [+15, -0] If that's really a Nazi uniform, shouldn't the cafe that it's displayed in be the one getting hate? The cafe was used as a 'Goblin' film location too, and a ton of celebrities have visited it.

13. [+16, -3] I'm a high school senior myself and I had no idea that was a Nazi uniform. I just admired Sowon unni's prettiness... so does that make me stupid too? 

14. [+13, -2] To all of you calling her stupid, I wonder how many of you actually knew that that was a Nazi uniform? ㅋㅋ And it's not even in a museum but a Korean cafe ㅋㅋㅋ Are you all going to demand the cafe to apologize and call them stupid too? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

15. [+13, -2] She can reflect... everyone makes mistakes..


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