
Netizens bewildered over Han Seohee's release from drug charges

Article: "Dropped urine test cup in toilet and got contaminated" Han Seohee flips philopon results and gets released

Source: Segye Ilbo via Naver

1. [+5,525, -36] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Which toilet did she drop it in that it comes up positive for philopon? She can sell that toilet water for some good cash.

2. [+1,317, -22] There has to be someone looking out for her... ㅡㅡ

3. [+1,120, -78] This b*tch is just rotten at the roots

4. [+291, -1] Then at least arrest the toilet

5. [+248, -1] She lies with such a pretty face~~!!! Most people will ask for a new cup if they drop it in the toilet... how many would stick their hand inside the toilet to take it out and still use it for their urine test??? I can't believe people fell for her lie~!!! How can we trust that she used her real hair for her hair test then???

6. [+222, -3] About as believable as someone claiming they got pregnant from swimming in a public pool

7. [+84, -1] I wonder how big of a joke she sees the world as..

8. [+62, -3] She must have someone big looking out for her if she really put this out as an excuse

9. [+55, -0] The legal world seems to have no basic concept of common sense

10. [+41, -1] How can you drop something in the toilet and get it contaminated with a drug? This person is so controversial... why live life like this at such a young age?

11. [+40, -1] Then shouldn't she have told the doctor that it was contaminated so she needs to do the test over in a new cup? What kind of person just submits it without saying anything?

12. [+33, -0] So we have philopon floating around in our toilets now?

13. [+28, -0] A police station with drugs floating around in their toilets ㅋㅋ where was this station? Should we not be testing all of the female officers there too?


from Netizen Buzz