Article: SF9 'pushing and shoving, fans who aren't afraid of corona 19'
Source: Newsen via Nate [video]
1. [+859, -31] I didn't know what SF9 was so I thought it was a new face mask
2. [+651, -18] Aigoo, kids, you shouldn't be out there right now, stay home!!
3. [+560, -20] Insane stupid fangirls
4. [+26, -0] You guys do realize you're going to get your group hate if you're out in public acting like this at a time like now?
5. [+22, -8] What makes you guys any different from the Shincheonji church... please stop gathering in large groups
6. [+21, -3] I'd be scared of those fans if I was SF9 ㅡ.ㅡ;;
7. [+21, -3] Do they not have brains?
8. [+20, -2] Pathetic. Go buy your parents a face mask in the time you're doing this.
9. [+16, -0] Stupid fangirls and Shincheonji believers, they have one thing in common and it's that they have no brains ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
10. [+12, -1] I respect a fan's right to do what they want but is it necessary at a time like this? It's not good to gather in large groups. Who knows what could happen if someone infected is in the crowd?
from Netizen Buzz