Article: Hyuna♥Dawn, honest expression of affection... pink light comeback
Source: SBS funE via Naver
1. [+1,308, -23] Hyuna-ya, all that matters is that you're happy. Forget fans and money, your happiness is first priority.
3. [+416, -13] They look better together the more I see them
4. [+342, -7] Nevermind what others think, just be happy. Anyone who hates on someone's happiness is the weird one, the person being happy shouldn't be the weird one.
5. [+159, -13] They look so happy, I hope they get married
7. [+55, -2] I normally don't read articles but their interviews about each other touched my heart... and made me jealous. Even if they don't last forever, they at least helped make a period of time in their lives shine brightly by being together. Wishing their album a daebak...
8. [+23, -2] To think of all that they had to give up and suffer to protect this love of theirs... they look amazing together~~ Wishing nothing but happiness in the future.
from Netizen Buzz