Article: Goo Hara, looking prettier since her ptosis surgery 'barbie doll'
Source: Newsen via Nate
1. [+1,495, -54] I wouldn't say she looks prettier, she looked way better before
2. [+921, -52] Aigoo~~~ what is she going to do about those eyes~~~~~~~~
3. [+788, -59] ㅡㅡㅋ At least put up a picture where she really does look prettier
5. [+28, -2] Does a human being's forehead really look like that...?
6. [+27, -4] Her eyes look like lasers are shooting out of them.. she looks mean ㅠ
7. [+18, -1] Goo Hara has been pretty since debut so I don't know why she decided to go under the knife. Why do really pretty and handsome celebrities always think they're lacking something?
8. [+18, -0] Double eyelid surgery alone changes the distance between your eyes and eyebrows so adding more to that with adjustments will only make them look closer and give a more masculine feel to the features. This is a surgery fail~!!
10. [+14, -0] I'm so sad that her eyes turned out like this.. did she get her nose done too?
11. [+12, -2] Ptosis surgery: when you want double eyelid surgery but you don't want people to know so you act like you had to get it for medical reasons
12. [+12, -1] Looks like every other face streaming on Afreeca...
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