Article: Park Joo Ho's wife Anna on 'Superman Returns' screentime, "Naeun is always doing her best... it does hurt me... not to see her that much"
Source: Mydaily via Nate
1. [+2,048, -50] It is true that Naeun has drastically less screentime these days.. though I'm sure it's because Gunhoo's at an age where he's super cute but Naeun is just as loving as Gunhoo too!!
2. [+1,427, -115] Probably because people want to see more of Gunhoo
4. [+119, -6] Naeun can get attention from her own parents, the show's screentime is dependent on fun and interest so it can't be helped
5. [+95, -23] It's not that Naeun isn't doing enough for screentime, it's that Gunhoo is being so cute right now... no need to be upset
6. [+92, -13] What I find funny is that in the beginning of 'Superman Returns', Anna mostly posted Naeun's pictures and barely any Gunhoo pictures. People pointed that out and thought it was weird... but now Anna's Instagram has a ton more Gunhoo pictures. Seems like they have their own management agency and she manages this all herself... but I think she should realize that her Instagram is a reflection of the screentime as well.
7. [+66, -2] The broadcast world is a cold industry... You can tell with just William and Bentley. Bentley's the baby but William gets more screentime. These TV shows aren't charity projects. They're designed around viewer ratings. It's wrong to compare people to products but the industry strictly views people as products, and it's in their best interest to provide the products that the people want to see..
8. [+51, -12] Gunhoo's so popular lately ㅋㅋ I find both Naeun and Gunhoo so pretty and cute, I think it's a happy dilemma over who gets more screentime
9. [+50, -13] They're such adorable siblings 💛 But it is Gunhoo's timing since he's learning how to talk and growing up... still can't hide Naeun's loveliness though 💛
10. [+43, -6] I don't watch the show but I imagine it's the same thing as what happened with Lee Dong Guk's family. The younger the child, the cuter they are... so people tend to ignore the older ones. It can't be helped. It's best not to let your child on TV if this stuff bothers you. It's up to the parents to give more attention to the older children since they're just as loving in their eyes still.
from Netizen Buzz