
Lee Minwoo denies sexual harassment reports

Article: [Exclusive' Shinhwa' Lee Minwoo booked for sexual harassment... victim woman claims, "Forced kiss on me at a pub"

Source: Donga Ilbo via Nate

1. [+2,338, -205] Hmm.. based on her testimony alone, I think it's too early to accuse him of sexual harassment.. We'll need to wait for more evidence or more testimonies.

2. [+1,930, -146] He force kissed two women? Well, knowing that the media would rather spit inaccurate information out than fact check, I'll just wait and see for this one ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+146, -32] Shinhwa has been in the industry for so long, as if they would embroil themselves in a scandal like this? I think it's worth waiting to see how this plays out..

4. [+129, -7] If it happened at a pub, there must be 100% CCTV footage, and if it happened in a room, I'm sure someone else in the room will testify too.

5. [+123, -34] Why did she wait until after they were done drinking to file the report? Shouldn't she have done it right after he forcefully kissed her? Just curious.

6. [+79, -15] So they hung out at a pub and went their separate days and she filed the report on her way home.. at 6 am.. Just curious if she was sober when she even filed the report? Is there CCTV evidence or any other type of evidence that this happened?

7. [+71, -17] Wait, so he kissed two and both of them just took it? ㅋㅋㅋ Should've reported him right away. It seems fishy that they waited so long to file it.

8. [+68, -21] They obviously both had cellphones, why couldn't they call the police right away? Why finish hanging out with him and then report it on their way home?


Article: [Official] Shinhwa Lee Minwoo reps, "NOT sexual harassment, just something that happened from a misunderstanding... sorry to disappoint"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+324, -44] The fact that a misunderstanding like this has happened at all gives a clear picture as to how he acts while drinking

2. [+294, -25] So they knew each other before all this happened but they reported him after they went their separate ways... Well, it must be true that Lee Minwoo did something to them and that woman who is allegedly his friend didn't stand for it.

3. [+232, -20] They're calling it a misunderstanding now when he allegedly grabbed her cheeks and kissed her and she reported it afterwards???

4. [+24, -2] Remember when he begged his fan before too? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He just does all the unsavory things

5. [+21, -2] Lee Minwoo, have you been starved?? ㅋㅋㅋ Enough with this stuff and get married and settle down already.

6. [+16, -0] How much did you pay them off?

7. [+15, -2] So he's basically saying he paid them off, no?

8. [+15, -1] So he did sexually harass them?


from Netizen Buzz