Article: [Exclusive] Hyun Bin x Son Ye Jin, off to Swiss... 'Emergency Love Landing' confirmed for international filming
Source: TV Report via Nate
1. [+826, -30] An heiress and a special officer??? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Sigh... seriously.. just boring, plain boring ㅠㅠ
2. [+653, -38] Just reading the title and cast sound boring already
4. [+70, -1] A special free date in Swiss~♡
5. [+51, -8] Getting to do love and work at once
6. [+45, -4] Why do dramas film overseas so much? ㅋㅋㅋ Don't we have a lot of scenic locations in our own country?? Is there a reason to spend such expensive money to go all the way out there..;;
7. [+37, -1] How does this plot even make any sense? How do you f*cking go paragliding and end up in North Korea? ㅡㅡ
8. [+22, -7] Both of them are always taking up the same characters... Hyun Bin with the cool guy roles, Son Ye Jin with the frail, dainty, submissive girl roles... no advancement at all!! And why North Korea? Hyun Bin played a North Korean in his last movie and just.. sigh...
9. [+15, -6] I can already predict the news articles next year... "feelings developed over film set... wedding bells next year" ㅋㅋ
10. [+12, -2] The plot is just too much ㅋㅋㅋㅋ emergency landing in North Korea while paragliding
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