Article: [Exclusive] Samuel reps, "Used by the CEO for his personal business... lost trust"
Source: YTN via Naver
1. [+4,866, -33] Sigh, why would you bring a minor into your bitcoin business?
2. [+2,790, -17] The CEO involved him in his personal bitcoin business and then ignored him when he asked to be paid... I'd step up if I were his parent too..
3. [+2,219, -43] The CEO had him perform at his bitcoin conference and provided him with only two dancers and no make up artist. How do you think he felt having to perform up there?
4. [+1,297, -20] If he's going to invest in bitcoin, he should do it by himself. Why drag a minor into it instead of all the other singers in the company?
5. [+325, -1] Brave Brothers is a thug... why would you involve a minor in your bitcoin business? Is he crazy? Why is he still acting like a thug? Don't live like this, man...
6. [+173, -1] I just don't get what he was thinking by using a minor to promote his bitcoin? Isn't that a big problem?
7. [+157, -2] Brave Brothers, is this true? It's really disappointing if so.
8. [+122, -2] How dare he use a young boy's passion for making dirty money
Article: Brave reps, "Samuel made a one-sided decision to terminate the contract... we will be taking legal action"
Source: SpoTV News via Naver
1. [+1,685, -369] I'm sure there are various reasons for everything but it seems like there are a lot of kids who are leaving their agencies after 'Produce' is over.. I think it's worth nothing the problem of these kids throwing away the agencies that invested in and trained them now that they're more popular.
2. [+1,012, -106] Brave Brothers seemed to adore him and took care of him a lot ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+696, -65] Didn't Brave Brothers support him really well...
4. [+541, -58] Does he think he's going to do better without them? The world just isn't that easy...
5. [+250, -11] Isn't Brave Brothers the one who took a minor around to his bitcoin conferences?
6. [+215, -7] Brave Brothers used him to promote his bitcoin events
7. [+184, -8] How can Brave Brothers say that he did nothing wrong? He used a minor to promote events where he was collecting investors for his own bitcoin currency.
8. [+144, -1] Brave Brothers completely left out the part about the bitcoin stuff, wow
1. [+498, -49] No charm, no talent... his agency put out a few albums for him, it's really his own fault in the end.
2. [+398, -37] He should be grateful for the opportunities he got like '1N2D' and working with Hongcha
3. [+77, -3] Brave Brothers seemed really supportive of Samuel, what happened?
4. [+55, -4] It was obvious that Brave Brothers adored him but it seems like the parents want to terminate the contract since the kid isn't going anywhere
5. [+49, -8] He doesn't have the type of face that Koreans like... he's an idol with South East Asian features
6. [+46, -4] Brave Brothers seemed to adore him on TV
7. [+39, -3] It was pretty obvious that Brave Brothers supported him a lot
8. [+32, -2] What's all this talk about using a minor to promote his bitcoin?
9. [+28, -8] He broke the idea that all mixed kids are pretty and handsome for me... at least he's a good dancer
10. [+25, -2] He still shouldn't have pulled Samuel into his bitcoin business... Just let the kid go already. No parent would want to see their kid being used to beg investors for bitcoin.
from Netizen Buzz