Article: Rapper BewhY in the crossfire of BI's controversy? Clarifies "I've never even seen drugs"
Source: Mydaily via Nate
1. [+1,037, -11] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ BewhY would be perfect if he'd stop wearing Gucci
2. [+964, -17] BewhY does the only drug permitted by God, CCM~
4. [+161, -2] The only 'yak' (drug) this guy knows is the gu-yak (Old Testament) and shin-yak (New Testament)...
5. [+82, -3] I go to the same church as him and the reverend praises him often ㅋㅋㅋ and he always comes to perform at any events we have. He seems to really have a strong faith.
6. [+57, -0] The only drugs he knows are the New and Old Testaments
7. [+36, -0] I hope he stays out of drugs forever
8. [+30, -1] Gu-yak and Shin-yak are the only yaks he knows
9. [+25, -48] I just don't like how he turns all his raps into religious songs... He'd perfect if he toned down the religious aspect of his music but everything he raps sounds religious... I think that's one of the biggest reasons why his popularity is waning.
10. [+21, -0] I personally don't believe in a religion or even like them but nowadays I'm thinking that it's better people get into a religion than drugs ㅋㅋㅋ BewhY fighting
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