Article: Hyuna ♥ Kim Hyojong, hands held tight "I love you"... spring day youth
Source: Mydaily via Nate
1. [+1,411, -33] Yeah, you guys are actually the most wholesome of them all
2. [+1,129, -29] Jealous of their youth, that they're able to be in love and express it so freely
3. [+867, -38] E'Dawn is really living a day at a time
4. [+57, -4] I'll give it to Hyuna, this is true love... You have to have a certain innocence left in you to be able to all in at love like this ㅋㅋ
5. [+54, -0] I can't tell which hand is a woman's hand
6. [+49, -1] It's great that they're in a happy relationship but I wish they'd just try to look healthier. I don't know why they chose this as their concept. And Hyuna really took me by surprise... I always got the impression that she'd be the cold type in a relationship but she's actually so pure and not afraid to throw herself in love. It's so obvious that she's su~~~~~per into him, and I think they're a great fit for each other as well. Hyuna seems like the leader and E'Dawn seems like the calm type who matches up to her.
7. [+47, -3] They are way~~~~~ more wholesome and clean than other celebrities who do drugs, lie, and spread hidden camera videos.
8. [+40, -5] I always get the feeling that Hyuna is more in love with him than he is with her ㅋㅋㅋ and something about Hyojong's eyes make him look so pitiful ㅋㅋㅋ
9. [+35, -0] But which hand is E'Dawn's and which is Hyuna's?
10. [+22, -1] Even their hands look alike, their nails too~
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