
Sunye gives birth to her third daughter

Article: Sunye gives birth to third daughter "Mother + baby are both healthy... no plans for promos yet"

Source: Sports Donga via Nate

1. [+896, -84] She's like Joo Young Hoon's family... three daughters + disliked

2. [+713, -50] So she has three daughters

3. [+683, -76] I bet you were they were hoping for a son

4. [+73, -1] Seems like she's going to keep going until they have a son, her poor agency

5. [+73, -1] What promos? Her husband's probably already waiting for their fourth

6. [+63, -2] She's going to get pregnant again... the husband's family is probably wanting a son. She'll probably end up with five kids.

7. [+62, -1] I think they'll even go for a fourth

8. [+53, -2] There's barely any reaction when she comes back anymore so why is she obsessed with returning to the industry?

9. [+45, -2] 100% they're already at work on hoping for a son ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+38, -1] I wonder what her agency was thinking to even sign her on... Just stay in Canada... and did you have a home birth with your mother-in-law again?


Source: Naver

1. [+3,447, -183] She threw away her members and left the group to do missionary work and yet she doesn't do any missionary work and just lives in Canada while raising her kids. She comes back to Korea once in a while whenever she's low on TV... this is all why she's getting hate and is so disliked.

2. [+2,067, -44] Her agency's a faint

3. [+1,172, -60] She could hold off on promos forever too

4. [+1,067, -66] Sunye seems like the exact image that people have of Christians

5. [+321, -4] She's Canadian and yet she always comes to Korea to make her money whenever she's low on diaper cash... Doesn't matter how many kids she has, she does nothing for Korea's economy!

6. [+134, -9] Even if she wanted to return to promos, no one wants her back ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+121, -1] Congratulations on the birth but is her agency a charity organization? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ And did she ever have a comeback to return to anyway?? ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+120, -2] I bet you we'll hear news of her fourth pregnancy soon


Source: Naver

1. [+2,061, -198] Please just live your life quietly in Canada, don't come back with your declining popularity wanting to be a celebrity~

2. [+947, -70] Why should we hear news about a Canadian giving birth?

3. [+874, -36] Makes her money in Korea, raises her daughters in Canada

4. [+830, -40] Every time she gets pregnant, she gives birth in Canada but comes all the way back to Korea to make her money ㅋㅋㅋㅋ screw off

5. [+504, -107] D i s l i k e d

6. [+211, -76] She got married to a missionary and yet they don't do any missionary work, only getting pregnant work

7. [+100, -11] It sounded like they had this third hoping for a son

8. [+79, -1] Congratulations, but please make your money to raise your kids in Canada. Korea is not some free money stop for you.


from Netizen Buzz