Article: Chungha 'I'm #1? surprise!'
Source: OSEN via Nate
1. [+533, -17] Her agency really seems to know what they're doing~ The other IOI kids were out back to back in forcefully created groups while Chungha is sitting at the top now after going the best route for her, which is solo. I'm really glad to see that her charms during 'Produce 101' are shining on her own~~~
2. [+401, -20] Wow~! Chungha's really doing well! Congratulations!! ^_^
4. [+23, -1] How does she keep releasing such good songs ㅋㅋ and the dances are perfect for her. BoA and Chungha show that you can be short but your skills can overcome that ㅋㅋㅋ daebak dancers
5. [+23, -9] Let's get you #1 on public broadcast too ㅠㅠ
6. [+18, -6] She's doing so well
7. [+17, -3] She really is doing the best out of the IOI members
8. [+16, -1] Chungha's 'Rollercoaster' is so good... feels like one of those 90s songs that will sound good no matter how much time has passed.
9. [+9, -1] There are some who shine among others and some who shine on their own and Chungha's the latter
10. [+7, -2] She's really making a name for herself as a female solo~~
from Netizen Buzz