
Hong Soo Hyun fielded by Microdot questions at her first public appearance since scandal

Article: 'Microdot♥' How Hong Soo Hyun handled the controversy

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+2,414, -59] Please don't put his name in her article titles like it's some scarlet letter;;

2. [+1,937, -40] I don't get why any reporter would even ask her about Microdot at her place of work

3. [+780, -18] Very disrespectful of the reporters to have asked about Microdot at her production conference

4. [+297, -55] It's totally up to her if she wants to keep dating him or not ㅡㅡ

5. [+68, -4] She's a victim too. She shouldn't have to be asked these questions when she's just doing her job. Her image has been tainted and her boyfriend has probably ran away to New Zealand..

6. [+52, -3] Microdot's fame was only recent whereas Hong Soo Hyun has had a career she built up for way longer than him. Enough with the Microdot association. They haven't even gotten married, there's no reason for her to be linked to him all the time;;;

7. [+45, -2] So rude of the reporter... Obviously she's feeling uncomfortable about the whole thing, why ask it to her face at an event that has nothing to do with it? ㅡㅡ Not an ounce of consideration or respect.

8. [+31, -0] Microdot used to act all lovey dovey towards her on varieties but now that his girlfriend is in an actual pickle, he's keeping quiet and taking his sweet time. I personally wish they'd break up. He hasn't handled this thing well at all and I think it says a lot that he hasn't done or said anything about his girlfriend being put in an awkward situation like this.


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