
Kim Kibum makes a surprise comeback in Korea after 6 years

Article: "That's Kim Kibum? Really?" Surprise over Kim Kibum's return to TV after 6 years

Source: Donga Ilbo via Nate

1. [+775, -7] He looks like an ajusshi now ㅠ

2. [+693, -6] ... I don't think I'd recognize him if I bumped into him on the streets...

3. [+415, -25] For a celebrity, he really does look like he's taken a turn for the worse. But even people who were super handsome when they were younger can take a turn for the worse when they get to his age... you can't block the signs of aging from drinking and gaining weight. There's a reason people say there's nothing stronger than a young age. People call Jung Woo Sung handsome but compare him to his pictures from his twenties... his twenties face would dominate.

4. [+29, -3] Who said men were like wine, what a ridiculous statement

5. [+22, -2] He really took a turn for the worse;; especially if you compare him now to his twenties

6. [+22, -4] Looks like he gained weight and got some work done. Should've just gained weight and left it at that.

7. [+18, -1] Hul... he was so handsome when he was younger... I guess age really is everything..

8. [+18, -5] Did he get work done? How can someone change this drastically?

9. [+17, -0] Ajusshi vibes... feels like a fresh oppa has returned as an ajusshi... I'd believe it if you told me he was the same age as Jo In Sung...

10. [+11, -1] I noticed that it's always the flower boy types in their twenties who end up looking chubbier and ajusshi-like in their thirties. The average looking ones end up aging better.


Source: Naver

1. [+683, -28] Nugu?

2. [+343, -6] Huk, where did the Kim Kibum from 'Banolim' go..

3. [+278, -38] Why are people complaining about how he looks older when he's over 30 now. It'd be weird if his looks didn't change with age.

4. [+206, -6] Kim Kibum is the maknae and Kim Heechul is the oldest hyung...

5. [+85, -14] He got old ㅠㅠ

6. [+34, -2] He looks like he gained a lot of weight. I remember him being the second visual after Kim Heechul in Super Junior but I guess he hasn't been taking care of himself.

7. [+32, -0] Wow, he used to be handsome when he debuted

8. [+32, -2] Why couldn't he just stay in Super Junior and be managed while pursuing acting ㅜㅜ his looks are gone now

9. [+24, -2] Where'd that baby face go, who is this ajusshi...

10. [+14, -1] He looks like he'd smell like an old man. Age is everything for a man.


Source: Naver

1. [+654, -8] Why'd his face change like this..

2. [+461, -9] Looks like Super Senior now..

3. [+270, -5] He looks like a different person. I wouldn't be able to recognize him.

4. [+88, -3] He's a completely different person

5. [+32, -3] What the... it's not like he turned 50, how can a guy in his thirties change this much? Especially a celebrity who lives off of his face...

6. [+15, -3] Well it's natural to look different from your twenties..

7. [+9, -1] That's really him? When'd he become an ajusshi...

8. [+8, -1] What happened in those 6 years...


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