
Dok2 clarifies his mother's debt scandal

Article: Dok2 "It's not even 10 billion won, only 10 million won"... controversy over his clarification on his mother's scam scandal

Source: Korea Econ via Nate

1. [+2,056, -82] To Dok2, that money may just be a month's worth of food to him, but to the ajumma who lost it, it could mean the world. I think that's disrespectful of him to say that.

2. [+1,868, -68] "Only" 10 million won? "Only"?

3. [+1,691, -78] Crazy guy

4. [+193, -1] When you were living out of a container box, would 10 million won not be a lot of money to you? That money could mean the world to someone else. You should've paid that back the moment you became successful if it's such an insignificant amount.

5. [+183, -0] Shouldn't you be grateful that someone was willing to lend your mother 10 million won 20 years ago when the entire country was going through difficult times? I don't care how mad you are, you don't get to call it "one month's worth of food"..

6. [+160, -0] Enough with the tryhard act, you're crossing the line now

7. [+149, -0] Why is he being so c*cky?

8. [+137, -0] How rude of him... just a few years ago, he would've done anything for that 10 million won but now that he's all big and successful, he's acting like it's a laughable amount ㅋㅋㅋ Even if he's not legally responsible for it, he's being rude. Just say sorry and offer to compensate her...

9. [+119, -1] Why are the characters of all these rappers like this?

10. [+110, -1] Remember when you lived out of a container? Think about how much 10 million won would've meant to you back then.


Article: Dok2 under controversy after Microdot... "his mother disappeared after borrowing 10 million won, there are more victims"

Source: Sports Korea via Nate

1. [+2,545, -36] We've gone from #metoo to #debttoo

2. [+1,869, -31] This is hip hop

3. [+1,587, -26] Aigoo, what a mess

4. [+98, -6] I'd believe him if he really didn't know. Just handle it well~

5. [+59, -11] Dok2 clarified this on his Instalive: #1 His mother never disappeared after borrowing the money #2 His mother filed for bankruptcy and was cleared from responsibility to her debts #3 Dok2 never knew about any of this and has no legal obligation but offered to return the money if she came and found him #4 He threatened legal action against the journalists

6. [+58, -8] Dok2 said so himself that he grew up in extreme poverty. I feel like he would've paid her back if he knew about it. Now that he knows, he can do just that. Jang Yoon Jung had no idea what her mother was doing with her money for 10 years either.

7. [+47, -8] After all that showing off... just pay that debt off before you get back to promoting

8. [+28, -2] If the court ordered her to pay it back and she still hasn't, that's a problem... Yeah, it's not comparable to Microdot's case, but Dok2's being unnecessarily c*cky about it


Article: Dok2, "Don't link me with Microdot... My mother never disappeared"

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+1,789, -137] But isn't it fact that your mother borrowed money and never paid it back? That amount may be nothing to you but I doubt it means nothing to the person who lost it... If it's money that your parents borrowed and couldn't pay back, you shouldn't be acting so c*cky with demanding that the person come to you if they want it back. You should be offering to meet them and pay it back in person, no?

2. [+1,346, -226] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Drawing a clear line saying don't compare me to Microdot and offering to pay it all back, how cool

3. [+827, -283] He's so cool about it~

4. [+219, -4] Cool? Him claiming that the money is barely his food expenses for a month is "cool"? He should be apologizing first because fact is that his parents never paid that money back. He should've paid it back on his parent's behalf the moment he found out about it. How dare he demand that the victim come and find him? Is this a joke?

5. [+202, -9] This is funny though. Dok2's not really at fault because it's not money that he borrowed but it's fact that his mother never paid it back. The amount shouldn't matter, it should be paid back whether it's 10 million or 10 billion won. He shouldn't be acting so c*cky for someone who's on the side of defaulting on their responsibility. He should be apologizing for not paying it back all this time, not demanding that the victim come find him if they want it back.

6. [+179, -6] His mother ran away after borrowing 10 million won and 15 years later, her son is saying "come find me if you want the money, it's only a month's worth of food to me" ㅋㅋ Dok2, get a grip and apologize.

7. [+155, -7] Why are people calling him cool?? Just because it's nothing to him, it's not money worth paying back? No matter how much that's worth, you should be paying it back if you borrowed it.

8. [+138, -3] Look at the way this guy's talking. This money may mean nothing to you but I'm sure the victim had to try hard to come up with it for you. And 20 years ago, no less. Now you want them to come find you to get it back? With the way you're talking, you're no different from Microdot at all.


Source: Naver

1. [+3,653, -783] But everyone knows that Dok's rich. The fact that they went to the media instead of getting in contact with Dok2 makes me feel like this is media play. Before we discuss Dok2's attitude, I think we should realize that the victim went about handling this the wrong way. Like they were looking for something more.

2. [+2,781, -326] "They're messing with the wrong person", "I'll pay it back if you come to my concert hall"... the way he's talking...;;; The fact is, his mother borrowed money and Dok2's making threats. She may be free from legal obligation due to bankruptcy but the victim still lost money. The victim is not demanding millions back, just the amount that was borrowed. How can Dok2 claim that as a threat? And obviously the victim thought now was the opportunity to get it back with the media's focus on Microdot and all. I doubt Dok2 would've ever even offered to meet the victim and pay it back if it had not gotten media attention, especially if the victim was ignored for 20 years...;

3. [+2,054, -388] This honestly does seem like they're using Microdot's scandal as an opportunity

4. [+639, -14] I am against blaming children for the crimes of their parents but I stand with the victim for lending money when Dok2's parents were suffering hardship and not getting it back. It doesn't matter how upset Dok2 is, he shouldn't be speaking like this to them.

5. [+544, -11] He's pissed about being compared to Microdot but his situation isn't that much different. "I didn't know because she filed for bankruptcy"... Why not just say thank you for lending such a big amount 20 years ago and offer to pay it back now? Who would hate you for that if that's how you handled it?

6. [+521, -27] I'm really disappointed in Dok2. I never liked how he showed off his money but I respected him for making himself out of nothing. However, the way he's talking today is nothing but disappointment. How can you make a fool out of the person who lent your family money at a time of extreme poverty?

7. [+422, -23] How the hell do you even eat 10 million won worth of food in a month? How can he be this disrespectful? He's talking like he's the one who lent money and never got it back ㅋㅋ amazing

8. [+348, -6] How dare he forget the help he received during hard times. He's refusing to apologize just because there's no legal obligation anymore... All he cares about is his image now that it's hitting the media. He's basically telling the victim to come beg for the money back in front of his fans at his concert ㅋㅋ


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