
Lee Dong Gun and Jo Yun Hee share a picture of their daughter

Article: Jo Yun Hee ♥ Lee Dong Gun reveal their daughter for the first time... took all the pretty genes

Source: Herald POP via Nate

1. [+980, -19] She looks like her mom

2. [+831, -17] Like a mini Jo Yun Hee

3. [+633, -24] Whoever she takes after, how could she not be pretty

4. [+36, -0] Kids grow so fast, she's already standing with support. Feels like yesterday they announced that they were pregnant.

5. [+32, -5] Would've been prettier if she took after her dad's eyes more

6. [+31, -0] You can tell right away she's Jo Yun Hee's baby

7. [+27, -1] ㅎㅎ Babies change about 23 times while growing ㅎ

8. [+21, -1] Both of them are natural so their baby can't be anything but pretty. She has cute cheeks~

9. [+18, -0] Ah her cheeks ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ so cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

10. [+15, -1] She looks like Jo Yun Hee but still has an Lee Dong Gun feel ㅋㅋ so pretty ㅋㅋㅋ


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