Article: Jessica 'summer on the bottom, fall on the top'
Source: X Sprots News via Nate
1. [+779, -55] Wow.. she's really bad at dressing herself
2. [+559, -32] For someone who calls herself a designer or whatever, she has no sense when it comes to dressing herself. She should also relax her facial expression a bit.. anyway, what's she planning to do with her future?
4. [+16, -4] Belt, pants, shoes, bag, they're all meant for different looks ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+13, -3] It's pretty cool how much she was able to fix her facial imbalance... without even getting jaw surgery or anything
6. [+8, -8] But is there a "right answer" to fashion? Some people dress this way, others dress that way
7. [+8, -3] She was not meant for fashion... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
8. [+7, -3] Look at how crushed her chin looks ㅋㅋ
9. [+7, -3] She's always traveling abroad all the time
10. [+7, -2] She was only known as a fashionista among SM fans but everyone else knew that her and Tiffany are super damn bad at dressing themselves. It's easy to tell that all of SM has no fashion sense but their fans are always going on about their fashion skills.
from Netizen Buzz