Article: Hyomin 'all eyes on legs in her skin tight outfit'
Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate
1. [+724, -12] What is this, a Power Ranger?
2. [+518, -11] I wonder what she was thinking in her head while putting this outfit on?
3. [+173, -11] Purchasing eyeballs that haven't seen this yet
4. [+18, -6] Her chin keeps growing. She looks like Kim Kisoo in other pictures.
5. [+14, -5] She's a carrot
6. [+10, -4] That's hard to go to the bathroom in
7. [+9, -4] A carrot
8. [+7, -10] At least she has a good body
9. [+6, -0] Am I the only one seeing Im Hyuk Pil in her face?
10. [+6, -3] Yes, we get that you want to show your body off, but this outfit isn't it
from Netizen Buzz