Article: Ariana Grande sexually harassed by pastor "I had no intention of doing so" excuse
Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Nate
1. [+388, -5] Who puts their hand that deep over the chest? Even the facial expression is undeniable, there definitely was intent there. How can you do something like that and make up an excuse? ㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+252, -4] You can tell just by watching the video. He never puts his hand down. He was pulling her really hard into him. What a trash pastor.
3. [+176, -7] I guess pastors are a problem everywhere in the world
4. [+15, -1] He was totally groping her
5. [+14, -1] As if pastors aren't already notorious for this... watch out for the church people in your life, everyone!
6. [+14, -2] Pastor ba$tards tsk tsk
8. [+13, -1] I think there was an intention behind the groping. A pastor of all people, tsk tsk.
9. [+12, -0] His excuse is like someone hitting another person and then saying they had "no intention of doing so"
10. [+10, -1] He purposely put his hand in there so deep..
Source: Nate
1. [+457, -14] His facial expressions says it all ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+438, -12] Kick sexual predators OUT!
4. [+24, -0] If he's this explicit when people are watching, imagine how much worse he is when no one is? I bet if you investigated him, there'd be some dirt
5. [+18, -1] He smiles creepily after touching her ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+13, -0] Even an animal wouldn't stoop this low at a funeral
7. [+11, -0] Straight up crazy ㅋㅋ
8. [+8, -0] It's bizarre how explicit he is about it
9. [+4, -0] He probably did it because he knew she wouldn't be able to get mad since it's a public funeral...
from Netizen Buzz