
Got7's Jackson defends a fan from being pushed

Article: Got7's Jackson criticizes person who pushed a fan "You shouldn't push a woman"

Source: SBS via Nate

1. [+1,542, -127] I don't think he specifically means only women, why are you arguing if it's okay to push men to him;;

2. [+1,257, -210] You shouldn't push people

3. [+1,231, -110] Women are physically weaker than men. Doesn't matter what feminists say, women are biologically born to be weaker than men. You can't deny that.

4. [+116, -9] Does it matter whether it's man or woman? He obviously got mad seeing someone weak being pushed around and had to say something. It's like seeing a grandma or grandpa being pushed and saying, "You shouldn't push the elderly."

5. [+115, -14] Obviously it was a woman who was pushed so he said woman, this isn't an issue of 'man or woman' ㅋㅋ what's wrong with men?

6. [+91, -16] Jackson's nice and respectful

7. [+87, -8] Yes, you shouldn't push men or women, but obviously the person who was pushed at the scene was a woman which is why he said that. Stop trying to twist his words into something they're not.

8. [+69, -16] Can't stand how sensitive some men are in the comments these days, tsk tsk

9. [+61, -11] Jackson did something good and yet jealous Korean men are still attacking him tsk tsk

10. [+59, -5] Our Korean men are so dumb that they interpret someone saying "don't push women" as "it's okay to push men" ㅠ talk about jealous haters ㅠㅠ

11. [+40, -7] Anyone who thinks he meant anything other than don't push women because the person who was pushed is a woman is choosing to live life in a difficult way

12. [+33, -71] So it's okay to push men? Why only women ㅋㅋ

13. [+31, -1] I doubt Jackson knew at the time that him saying "don't push women" would turn into such different interpretations..

14. [+25, -3] To all the men attacking Jackson asking if it's okay to push men, I wonder what their argument will be if he had said "don't push children" or "don't push the elderly" ^^ Korean men honestly make me barf because they're so pathetic.

15. [+25, -2] Obviously a man pushed her so he said you shouldn't push women. If a woman had pushed another woman, then I'm sure he would've said "you shouldn't push people"... can't say anything these days.


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