
Yeri shows off her summer glow

Article: "Rebirth of a goddess" Red Velvet's Yeri 'no problem' with plunging neckline

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+385, -19] Please practice your dancing. She's always half a beat faster than the rest.

2. [+252, -24] Something about her looks imbalanced

3. [+197, -19] Pretty. But please practice your dancing more.

4. [+50, -3] Her proportions are crap. Her dance videos have been going around lately and not only is she a bad dancer, she's also really lazy. She has no talent or a pretty body, the most she has going for her is a cute face but what else? She's not even as pretty as Irene.

5. [+41, -0] I don't get how she randomly joined Red Velvet. Her singing and dancing are worse than the other members.

6. [+36, -4] She looked like she had a nasty personality on 'Knowing Bros'

7. [+29, -1] Does she have networks in SM or something, how'd she get in? She's not SM's type of visual at all.

8. [+14, -4] The ugliest and most untalented member of Red Velvet!

9. [+12, -0] Please work harder when you're on stage

10. [+6, -0] Practice your dancing. She's the only one getting the moves wrong, doesn't even do them right... she's not exceptionally good at singing or dancing, she should know to at least be a hard worker.


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