Article: Gugudan Sejung, "I thought Seungri was in his thirties... TOP is my favorite member in Big Bang"
Source: 10asia via Nate
1. [+503, -53] Sejung-ah... you can ruin your career by mentioning the wrong name like that...
2. [+404, -79] Is she insane? What does she like a marijuana smoking brat for?
4. [+35, -21] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Sejung has a blank paper charm to her. I feel like you'd hear rattling sounds in her brain.
5. [+31, -3] She said she was a Big Bang fan in elementary school so they asked her if heer favorite member was Seungri and she said it was TOP, that's it
6. [+30, -9] She said she liked TOP when she was a choding, not that he's her favorite member now ㅜ She meant when he wasn't a druggie ㅠ
7. [+23, -11] So Sejung's into guys who smoke marijuan aand sleep with girls without thought? Pfft, would've been better to just name GD..
8. [+21, -9] Sejung-ah, that is he who must not be named...
9. [+19, -7] Asking her to pick one out of Big Bang is a cruel question...
10. [+16, -4] She meant that she liked him when she was younger... not necessarily now...
from Netizen Buzz