
Park Min Young expresses interest in a guest episode on 'I Live Alone'

Article: Park Min Young, "I'm normally bare faced with my hair tied up, I want to go on 'I Live Alone'"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+451, -114] I agree that she has gotten prettier with plastic surgery but I think she'd look quite scary in real life without all the lights, make up, and photo editing... Even now when she's on a TV screen with less of a blur effect, you can tell where she went under the knife like her inner eye corners

2. [+394, -38] Nah... you'll end up like Kim Sarang

3. [+329, -29] Episodes with actors are usually boring ㅋㅋㅋ like Kim Sarang's episode, it was super boring ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+29, -5] ㅋㅋ I doubt she'd accept even if they offered her an episode

5. [+22, -17] Well she's not really living "alone" if she's with Park Seo Joon...

6. [+22, -2] Be honest on the show and smoke your cigarettes too

7. [+20, -1] You'll only ruin your image if you act fake like Kim Sarang ㅜ but I do think the show will do a lot to help improve her image if she shows her real self on it

8. [+18, -1] Well no one wears their make up at home;

9. [+16, -0] I think she'll end up like Kim Sarang...

10. [+14, -1] Only one of two possible scenarios... either she'll be really boring, or she'll overdo everything and get hate for it

11. [+13, -0] I can already imagine her episode... she'll wake up to some European breakfast, do some yoga, drive her dream car to meet some friends, drink wine alone for dinner with some cheese that we can't pronounce...

12. [+13, -0] She's too similar to Kim Sarang... acts too prim and pretty


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