
Korean-American director Joseph Khan claims BTS has all had plastic surgery

Article: Korean-American director Joseph Kahn puts down BTS looks "They all have plastic surgery"

Source: M+ News via Nate

1. [+2,602, -141] Well he needs some plastic surgery. What's so wrong with plastic surgery anyway that he's kicking up a fuss?

2. [+2,034, -116] And who's this nugu?

3. [+1,888, -104] So what's his point? Noise marketing to get his name out there?

4. [+144, -1] It's actually quite tearful that someone whose very gene is Asian is so desperate to be American that he'll put down another Asian like this

5. [+100, -1] Even if he got plastic surgery, he'd never look as good ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why do Asians put each other down but are too afraid to put other foreign singers down? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ As if there's any American singer who hasn't gotten plastic surgery? Or is it that fellow Asians are just easier targets? ㅋㅋ What a loser ㅋㅋㅋ Idiots like him in America are the worst ㅋㅋ they don't dare say a word to white people and they really believe they're white too and put other Asians down

6. [+93, -1] Looks like he wanted to work with them but got rejected. No wonder, he's such a thug tsk tsk tsk.

7. [+77, -3] Yeah well you need some plastic surgery... too bad your original face is so trash it'll be hopeless

8. [+72, -2] What are idiots like him with huge heads and hopeless features thinking when they grow out their hair like this? When you look this bad, you should just cut your hair short and keep it clean. It's always the hopeless, unaware idiots like him who don't know that. Even Won Bin can only pull off long hair on a good day and yet it's always the ones who look like sh*t who grow it out too.

9. [+55, -0] The Americans that you love so much more all got plastic surgery. How much plastic surgery do you think Michael Jackson got? So dumb that he's putting BTS down just because they're Korean.

10. [+38, -1] He does not have a face that should be judging others ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Article: Joseph Kahn clarifies BTS statement? "It was a joke but I won't apologize for it"

Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+863, -16] Stop getting jealous of how others look and take care of yourself

2. [+795, -16] His long hair seriously makes me want to barf... "a joke" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ "won't apologize"!

3. [+732, -14] He's such a joke ㅋㅋ just stick to sucking up to your Americans

4. [+60, -2] I've never seen someone so ugly in my life.. ah! I'm joking. I won't apologize for it, though~~

5. [+42, -5] Nah, you need to apologize

6. [+35, -0] He's acting like he's got pride and doesn't want to apologize ㅋㅋㅋㅋ he better not go around calling himself Korean or I'll beat him up ㅋㅋ

7. [+34, -2] That face ㅡㅡ we are in desperate need of a mosaic

8. [+22, -2] Americans probably put him down saying "why is BTS so handsome but you look like sh*t when you're both Korean" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+17, -0] It's all noise marketing, guys.. don't give him attention

10. [+14, -0] Just another attention wh*re... No one would've known someone like him existed if he never mentioned BTS. And please take care of your looks... your face makes me want to barf. Oh yeah, just joking ^^


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