
CL glows at 'Mile 22' press event

Article: 'No health problems' CL spotted at American movie event... showing off healthy voluminous body

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+1,141, -197] Her body's starting to look like Mariah Carey

2. [+1,054, -209] So did she binge on hamburgers or what?

3. [+900, -266] Looks like she doesn't know what to do with her stomach fat... even her fingers have gained weight, wow..

4. [+142, -21] Koreans, it is rude to judge someone on their appearance. Please educate yourself.

5. [+87, -10] I saw another article talking about the stress Koreans are under due to others judging their weight and what they choose to wear... and yet if you look at the comments here, it's filled with people judging her face and body without thinking of themselves. Judging her stomach, her fingers... Even Goo Hye Sun wasn't spared. Mind your own business and go look in the mirror. Who cares if someone else has gained weight or not...

6. [+82, -13] CL especially gets so much hate comments... I can't help but wonder how hard it must have been for her to have to live abroad. I feel bad because she's the same age as my dongsaeng.

7. [+78, -31] Her body looks like Mariah Carey's. At least she looks confident in herself.

8. [+68, -39] She's pretty~ She looks fine even with weight gain, I don't get the fuss tsk tsk

9. [+51, -14] Koreans are too fixated on size 44 women being the beauty standard... there are tons of pretty women in size 55 or 66 but TV only casts women who are a size 44... which is a problem. Dramas need to show more body styles in the 55, 66, 77 range so that people aren't brainwashed into thinking 44 is the only size that's pretty.

10. [+46, -19] She's smart, she knows what she's doing


Article: CL, not intimidating by anything... confident center among Hollywood stars

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+1,062, -105] She's looking so cool up there on a worldwide stage, why is everyone being mean? CL, you're looking great

2. [+778, -77] How are all the comments judging her about her looks... She looks confident and great up there

3. [+697, -59] How did she not gain weight in her face at all though ㅋㅋㅋㅋ such a western style of weight gain

4. [+33, -6] She's only slightly chubby by western standards~ foreigners probably don't even bat an eye at that ㅋ

5. [+28, -4] She gained weight pretty evenly all around though

6. [+26, -6] CL has always been confident in herself, on stage or anywhere. No matter how much hate she got over her looks, she never filed lawsuits for any of it and still did really well as an idol.

7. [+13, -2] She looks like she was photoshopped in though

8. [+12, -8] She looks way~~~~ cooler than being stick skinny

9. [+12, -4] She looks so confident, like she almost meant to gain weight

10. [+11, -6] She's such a normal weight by western standards... it's only Korean celebrities who are unnaturally skinny and underweight


Source: Naver

1. [+893, -27] CL is CL. I don't care whether she looks like this or that. She looks cool!

2. [+300, -19] What's it to any of you whether she gained weight or she's sucking her stomach or anything? CL's the coolest when she's confident in herself. Find strength.

3. [+192, -8] What are these article titles... should she feel intimidated by everyone if she's heavier?

4. [+115, -18] She looks like Mariah Carey with weight gain...

5. [+66, -10] She looks healthier than being stick skinny


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