
Yeeun reveals she did the '1 meal 1 day' diet to lose 10 kg in two months

Article: Ha:tfelt Yeeun, "I lost 10 kg in two months, got into the 4x kg range with '1 meal 1 day'"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+666, -99] No charm

2. [+599, -96] Did she shoot this pictorial after rolling out of bed? Or is she seriously opening her eyes like that thinking she looks seductive?

3. [+409, -182] Shouldn't she be taking her corset off, why is she dressed like this? Go shave your hair and put on some Adidas trainers

4. [+52, -4] She says in her pictorial interview: "I changed my name to Ha:tfelt because I didn't like how the focus was on my looks or my body when I searched the name Yeeun", "I support feminism" ... and yet the amount of 'corsets' she's wearing in this pictorial?????????

5. [+48, -2] So she wants to be judged as a musician and yet she does a pictorial that she had to diet and harm her health over by eating one meal a day?

6. [+45, -6] Her facial features look more and more like an ajumma

7. [+39, -1] I thought the point of Ha:tfelt was to succeed with your music only...

8. [+38, -4] Why is she opening her eyes like that

9. [+30, -1] I'm sorry but I don't feel an ounce of charm from her...

10. [+28, -2] She seems to think that she'll be a star for the rest of her life because of her Wonder Girls fame

11. [+26, -3] Just take off your corset. How can you make money off of the sale of sex as a product and demand that people not judge her for it?

12. [+22, -1] She's trying so hard to look sexy and yet she doesn't look sexy at all ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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