
Woman drives around Daegu throwing money out her window

Article: Woman driving Equus throws 15 million won in cash around the city of Daegu on her way to work

Source: Yonhap News via Nate [video]

A woman looking to be in her forties drove around 11 different places in Daegu between 7:25 and 8 am and threw a bunch of cash out her window each time. Police are still investigating the woman's identity and reason.

1. [+727, -14] Please drive by our house too

2. [+650, -8] It really must be that hot in Daegu, she's totally suffering from heat delusion~

3. [+515, -10] Please spray that money on me...

4. [+43, -2] She knows how to save the economy better than our own government~~~ ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

5. [+30, -1] She must've been like a summertime Santa for Daefrica~~~

6. [+24, -1] She should've just donated the money to charities

7. [+18, -2] Come to Seoul too

8. [+17, -0] No point if the police are collecting all the money

9. [+12, -1] This is how scary hot it is in Daegu, people

10. [+9, -0] Jealous that she's rich enough to just throw it out like that ㅜㅜ

11. [+8, -0] Can't believe some people returned the money to the police ㅋㅋ maybe they were scared of the blackboxes and CCTVs?

12. [+8, -0] Wait, it's illegal to pick up the money she threw out?


from Netizen Buzz