
Police catch man making death threats against Twice

Article: [Exclusive] Man making death threats at Twice caught and arrested... A Pink's culprit's arrest left

Source: Segye Ilbo via Nate

1. [+784, -36] Of course he's an ilbe member

2. [+619, -16] What are they thinking??? Making death threats against a celebrity?? Psychos?

3. [+543, -16] I wish they'd catch BTS Jimin's culprit too..

4. [+11, -0] I assumed the culprit would be a woman since it's always women are spewing jealous rage in the comments but it's a man in his twenties... why live like that? You're so young..

5. [+11, -3] What about BTS Jimin? Hurry up and catch him too!!!!!!!!!!

6. [+10, -1] What does a pathetic ilbe ba$tard think he can do against Twice

7. [+9, -2] Yup, a woman's enemy is man

8. [+7, -0] Shouldn't feel so safe just because you live overseas ㅋㅋㅋㅋ idiots

9. [+7, -1] All these death threats and hate comments culprits are mostly men

10. [+5, -0] As always, you catch these hate commenters and they're always men


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