
Online streamer Banzz hopes to break the bias against online media work

Article: Banzz, "Thank you for the #1 search rank, I hope to break the bias against BJs"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+1,059, -78] As long as he doesn't forget his roots, guys like Banzz have the potential for long running careers. It's way better than controversial streamers like Chulgoo who are a negative influence on children.

2. [+740, -193] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ His whole content is just eating a lot of food... but I guess he's better than other streamers who tell stories about their time in jail or when they were in gangs or strip their clothes to get donations. Even so, what bias is there to break when this is how he makes his money? Sure, this is an alternative career that's not necessarily "wrong" but the bias is still there... people will never see you for anything more than this.

3. [+703, -235] Modern begging = internet streaming

4. [+55, -9] These BJs are lucky in that they're doing this in this generation and making millions off of it... but you can't think that they're normal people. They're basically begging for donations, aren't they??

5. [+49, -15] That bias won't be broken~~ don't try so hard... as if donation wh*res have morals??

6. [+32, -7] Eat, barf, eat, barf

7. [+28, -21] I like that he's respectful and eats cleanly. I hope he eats in moderation and takes care of his health.

8. [+26, -7] Well your job is eating and that's how you make your money... it'd be weird if people didn't have a bias against you ^^

9. [+22, -11] Not sure who he is and I get that making money is great but why would you do something so stupid with your life, tsk tsk tsk. Sad + pathetic.

10. [+17, -0] His face looks like a goblin from all the binging and losing weight ㅋㅋ


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