
Nam Joo Hyuk suffers the harassment of overly touchy fans at fan meet

Article: 'Swarming... touching' Nam Joo Hyuk's fan meet under controversy

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Nate

1. [+322, -10] Hul, he can't even act mad or brush their hands off of him because he's a celebrity... he just has to take it and smile. Those aren't fans, that's sexual harassment.

2. [+239, -21] This would've been super controversial if he had been a woman. A lot of people seem to think it's okay just because he's a man.

3. [+214, -6] That woman in the overalls in the first video is going way too far;; how awkward for him

4. [+16, -0] I feel embarrassed reading this article. I get that you like him but come on... and the staff should've stepped in at some point. What are you guys doing...

5. [+16, -1] He really managed his facial expressions well though... and stayed calm. I bet he was miserable inside and wanted to escape the whole situation. Can't believe his agency handled this so poorly.

6. [+12, -1] Women think they can act like this and call it 'fangirling' but if a man does the same thing, it's 'sexual harassment'.

7. [+10, -0] If a male fan had touched Twice like this, wouldn't they be arrested???

8. [+10, -3] He even tries to protect his private area ㅜㅜ

9. [+9, -1] This is sexual harassment. Just gross.

10. [+9, -3] This would've been a sex crime controversy if he was an actress!!!!!!


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