
Momoland's Nayoon to take a hiatus to treat her BPPV

Article: [Official statement] Momoland's Nayoon to take hiatus due to cupulolithiasis "focusing on treatment"

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+352, -6] Cupulolithiasis isn't something that gets cured through successful treatment, it can come back if you get stressed ㅠㅠ you feel dizzy just for turning your head a bit and you throw up even in your sleep because your head hurts that badly ㅠㅠ She must be suffering

2. [+233, -6] Cupulolithiasis is really scary and hard to deal with... once you get it, you can't move your head around or listen to loud noises without feeling like the ground and the sky are crashing in on you... I wish her a speedy recovery ㅠㅠ

3. [+167, -6] I have it too and once you feel it come on, you can't do anything. The whole world spins when you open your eyes and you feel so nauseous. You treat it by wearing special glasses and flipping your body around but it can come back at any time. When it's bad, your vision spins for a few days at a time. It can't be compared to feeling drunk! It feels like you're spinning inside a washing machine except it's not you that's spinning but the entire world.

4. [+19, -0] At her age, it's rare to get cupulolithiasis... As someone who's experienced it, I feel bad for her. It's easy to get it back after recovery so she needs to really take care of herself.

5. [+16, -0] It's a feeling only someone who's had it will know... Once I turned my head to grab something else to eat on the table and almost died because of how dizzy I felt.. eating is the worst with it.

6. [+15, -0] The dizziness is unimaginable to anyone who hasn't had it. The ground feels like it's crumbling, your eyes keep spinning ㅠㅠ there's no cure for it either..

7. [+10, -0] It must be so hard for her... it's easy to catch this if you're physically and mentally exhausted... It's scary. It's a type of sickness that makes your vision dizzy to the point where you just fall to the floor and cover your eyes to make it all go away.

8. [+9, -0] It basically feels like spinning in place 50 times, it feels like death

9. [+9, -0] Once I caught it and recovered, it has come back about 2-3 times a year for the past 3-4 years ㅠ the dizziness gets worse the more physically exhausted you are... one time I was walking at a diagonal because of how dizzy I was;

10. [+5, -0] I never knew what this was but the comments make it sound really tough ㅠ I can't imagine what it must feel like to be dizzy every day~ I hope she recovers soon


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