
Miyawaki Sakura leads the views in 'Produce 101' fancams

Article: 'Produce 48' Miyawaki Sakura's fancam hits 1.2 million views... can she keep her 'center' spot?

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+555, -51] Well the show's not even being coy about giving her screentime, it'd be weird if she wasn't center given all the opportunities ㅡㅡ At first I wanted to vote for her because she seemed like she really wanted this but then I realized that there are other kids who are prettier and more talented but aren't getting any screentime because of her.

2. [+514, -74] I find Lee Gaeun or Wang Yiren prettier than her...

3. [+411, -41] I think people watched the video to check her skills, not because they like her..

4. [+34, -4] Amazing how she's been getting all the media attention and screentime since two months before the show even aired... At this rate, it's pretty obvious that there's some sort of contract already declaring her the winner. What's the point of voting?

5. [+29, -7] If Lee Gaeun gets picked, she's going to age the group hard... I'm not trying to be mean, she just has an auntie type face and doesn't match the vibe of a group like IOI at all. She's talented but she doesn't match the show... Wang Yiren may lack some talent but she's pretty and has that idol look to her.

6. [+21, -17] I think she's going to stay center. Her views and screentime dominate the rest, she already has AKB fans + new fans joining her fandom, and she has that innocent type face that our country loves. As much as Nate likes to hate on her, it's the fans who end up voting for her so I know for sure she'll be in the top 3.

7. [+18, -6] I watched the video because I was curious to see how bad she was...

8. [+16, -4] ㅋㅋㅋ Honestly she can't sing or dance, she should be grateful if she even gets C

9. [+9, -3] But you have to admit, even SNSD's Yoona is a center member without any particular talent... Soshi itself is an amazing group but if we're talking about centers, what's the difference between Yoona or Sakura... and keep in mind, Yoona's after getting SM's training.

10. [+7, -1] I wouldn't call her gorgeous or anything though


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