Article: Davichi Kang Minkyung 'I am the hip goddess~'
Source: TV Daily via Nate
1. [+1,648, -172] No matter how popular Whasa is, I still think Kang Minkyung is prettier...
2. [+943, -382] She doesn't have big hips, she has big bones beneath the pelvis... this is not a hate comment
3. [+528, -239] She's suddenly aging hard
4. [+69, -13] Those aren't hips. She's bowlegged so her legs are spread like that. Normally girls with nice hips have a butt to match but Kang Minkyung doesn't have hips but bowed legs so she has a flat butt from the side.
5. [+54, -2] Her proportions look so bad without heels
6. [+51, -2] Every time I see her, her legs look so short maybe because her calves are shorter than normal ㅜ
7. [+50, -4] How many times do we have to tell you that those aren't her hips but her hip joints ㅡㅡ ㅋ
9. [+31, -0] I have a similar body to hers so I know her type well. She has a long waist and she's bow legged which makes your pelvis look wider than most. She looks good in one pieces but wearing jeans shows that you have short legs.
10. [+26, -1] What's up with this picture ㅜㅜ why are her legs like that...
11. [+25, -1] I have wide hips too and one of the cons is that it makes your legs look shorter by comparison. It's my complex... ㅜㅜ
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