
Jung Woo Sung continues to speak up on behalf of the refugee crisis in Korea

Article: Jung Woo Sung, the reason he gives his voice for 'refugees' at the BIFAN

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+2,539, -154] Has he read the news article today about the Yemeni refugee who sexually harassed a woman on Jeju island? Seems like Jung Woo Sung's the type who just won't get it until it happens to him but I don't care what bullcrap he says to stand on their side, we are opposed to refugees no matter what.

2. [+2,240, -290] He dropped out of middle school and our country deemed him too dumb to even serve. For someone who hasn't even served his country, he sure has a lot to say about what we should be doing ㅋㅋ

3. [+1,904, -218] How about you go practice your acting in that time? You've been acting for 20 years and yet I've never once thought you were talented.

4. [+164, -5] Ugh, seriously, knock it off already... as if I wasn't pissed off already with how hot it is..

5. [+140, -6] Keep them in your house and don't let them out

6. [+130, -4] Why is he advocating for refugees but he doesn't have a refugee center in Jeju Island himself? ㅋㅋ "I was poor too" do you think you growing up poor is the same situation at all to this?

7. [+123, -4] He's hopeless, just hopeless

8. [+106, -2] The people of Pohang are living in tents right now because of the earthquake. How about you speak up for them instead of refugees?? If you want to help people, look around you, not just far ahead.

9. [+86, -4] Then you take them in

10. [+64, -4] The refugees need to be real refugees for us to even consider it...

11. [+62, -0] Does he even know what's going on at Jeju Island right now?

12. [+37, -0] So a Yemeni refugee sexually harassed a woman today. Are you personally going to be paying the compensation fee for that woman? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He's all talk and no responsibility

13. [+36, -1] Is he being paid to say all this stuff? Why does he keep acting up;;;;;;; If you feel so bad for them, don't ask us to spend our taxes on them and you go start your own agency instead

14. [+35, -2] There was already a refugee sexual harassment case today and there's going to be another rape article news out later. After that it'll be murder. What is it going to take for him to wake up?

15. [+27, -1] Look at him sitting up in his Gangnam throne like "refugees need help~"


Article: Yemeni man who sexually harassed Korean woman was in possession of a hallucinogen... jail sentence of 1 year

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Nate

1. [+5,178, -59] So it's our taxes going to be used for his jail sentence too. Why should Koreans be funding their food and everything in jail?

2. [+4,819, -67] What is the government doing not putting out a statement on the issue of refugees? This is just the beginning unless the government resolves this.

3. [+4,374, -51] Just how easy did they think Koreans would be to be acting like this?

4. [+259, -3] Is the judge crazy? Is our country Yemen? Just because the drug is legal in Yemen, he was given an extenuating sentence?

5. [+192, -1] Is it really that hard to kick them out? Sure other countries may put us down if we kick them all out at once but we should still be kicking them out little by little, at least 3-5 a day

6. [+175, -0] The media keeps saying that there have been 0 cases of refugee crime while ignoring cases like the one in Kwangjoo where a refugee dragged a PC bang worker into the bathroom and shoved a chopstick down their throat. Of course they died on the spot... This isn't the end of it. Woo Sung hyung, are you reading all this??? Imagine if this was happening to your own family or relatives.

7. [+146, -1] Apparently drugs are legal in Yemen ㅋㅋ what a mess. You're seriously asking us to take them in as refugees?

8. [+132, -0] How cute that you're all getting surprised over a little sexual harassment case. All of Europe is suffering with severe cases of gang rape by refugees!! Even the police aren't doing anything about it because there's no way to catch them. I'm honestly scared that our own children will be raped if we take in refugees. It's already so bad in Europe... Please don't take in refugees!! We should be putting our people first!! ㅠ

9. [+118, -1] There are already cases of Yemeni men chewing on their hallucinogens while groping women's legs on the streets. And really, you're asking us to drop the bias against refugees? Yeah, maybe if you offer your daughter up to them first~

10. [+91, -1] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is such a mess. And next week, we're getting another couple hundred of Egyptian refugees coming into Korea without visas ^^ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I guess this is what we get for calling Korea 'Hell Chosun'... our higher-ups are actually trying to live up to it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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