
Jung Eunji talks about dieting to the brink of death

Article: Girl group's shocking confession "I worried that I would die while trying to lose weight"

Source: Oh My News via Nate

1. [+909, -21] Wow, losing 7 kg in a week... That's hard for most people unless you're really fat ㅠㅠ it's difficult to lose that much if you're over average weight and aren't they already skinny as it is?

2. [+865, -215] It's the life they chose...

3. [+774, -154] But they make enough money to make up for it.......;;;;

4. [+44, -2] Did the public ever demand that they lose weight?? They're the ones who keep losing weight to keep up with other girl groups... Why not find a way to be loved by the public without weight loss? No one forced you to do this... you're the ones doing it to survive in your industry. Why blame the public for that???

5. [+43, -4] It's super profitable for them to do a few weeks of dieting and earn enough money to buy a building in their twenties. They're whining about how easy their life is.

6. [+43, -7] Well every time you lose 8 kg, you make enough money to buy a building so you don't really have room to whine

7. [+39, -2] Considering that idols get professional trainers who meal plan for them and handle their supplements and get them carboxy shots for their thighs... that's a lot easier than the rest of us have it

8. [+38, -2] Anyone would lose weight this drastically if they saw the money potential ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+30, -0] Anyone can lose that if they had the chance to make millions too

10. [+29, -2] ㅋㅋㅋ No point in worrying for them. Idols will lose weight all on their own once they get a taste of that sweet money.

11. [+24, -1] All that hardship so that you can buy a building in a few years...

12. [+21, -1] I think it's funny that she's saying that the public demands idols to lose weight. The public has never demanded such a thing. Sure we comment that someone's chubby or fat but no one ever told someone to lose weight, and the same standards are given to celebrities who are too skinny too. There have always been comments saying they're too skinny to look good. In the end, these idols diet because they're greedy and want to look better for themselves on screen or on camera. That's it.

13. [+19, -2] Who wouldn't lose weight if they were promised a building if they starved for a week?

14. [+15, -1] Well what else do you idols have? Nothing in your brains, nothing but your face and your body, so you have to take care of that, no?? Did you think making money was easy?

15. [+15, -0] Nothing is free in this world...


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