
Goo Hye Sun gets to work on dieting

Article: Goo Hye Sun updates on diet... "Fattie is starting to work out"

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+534, -26] So she's considered fat? She looks normal. Aren't we demanding too much of celebrities?

2. [+424, -25] She's still pretty even while looking chubbier..

3. [+342, -30] Still looks good while chubby... jealous that she can afford work outs like this

4. [+11, -3] Her cheeks are so cute in the first picture ㅎㅎ

5. [+10, -0] She's pretty still.. and she's not even fat but I guess being a celebrity demands you to be thin....

6. [+10, -2] So hard to look good like that with a swim cap on

7. [+9, -3] I think she looks better now.. she was too thin before

8. [+6, -1] She's already so pretty that a bit of weight gain still looks good on her ㅋㅋㅋㅋ if anything, it makes her cuter

9. [+6, -2] She looks about 53-54 kg right now... Which would still be considered thin at her height of 165

10. [+5, -0] Where did she gain weight?

11. [+5, -2] I remember DiCaprio's picture a few days ago with weight gain... and weight really doesn't matter for people who are originally pretty or handsome.


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