
Davichi reveals they haven't gotten into a fight in 10 years

Article: Davichi, "We haven't fought in 10 years, it amazes us too"

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+1,281, -232] Probably because Lee Haeri puts up with everything

2. [+1,167, -231] Seems like Lee Haeri just puts up with it and lets it pass

3. [+953, -158] Because two women will never get into a fight.. it's when you add +1 that the fights happen. Have you ever seen a woman's meet up that was run without problems?

4. [+85, -12] Obviously they're both understanding and kind people... how can one person put up with anything for over 10 years?

5. [+66, -7] Two women in a group is fine ㅋㅋ it's when you get to three and four that the fights and talking behind backs start to happen ㅋㅋ It's so easy to cause divides...

6. [+47, -4] Kang Minkyung follows Lee Haeri a lot too. You don't have to make it sound like one's sacrificing herself for the better good.

7. [+36, -8] It's pretty obvious that Lee Haeri puts up with a lot, especially with that nude picture scandal. Kang Minkyung doesn't seem like the type of personality to hold things in.

8. [+33, -1] I've noticed that even in close friendships, there are cases where one side is like "I give up" and puts up with certain behaviors and just tiptoes around things that might cause fights

9. [+31, -2] Hard to believe them. It's great that they get along like sisters but even real sisters get into fights... how are we to believe that they haven't fought in 10 years?

10. [+23, -0] It's easy to get into fights as three but with two people, one usually just holds back no matter how mad they are since they only have each other to depend on at the end of the day anyway


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