
ONF moves past the disappoint of their 'Mix Nine' debut for their next comeback

Article: ONF makes a more meaningful comeback after Mix Nine debut called off

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

1. [+1,943, -52] YG really needs to reflect for this. All show long... they were playing trainees, saying we're YG, we're Yang Hyun Suk... and now they're washing themselves clean of responsibility because they're not getting the attention they expected? I'd honestly be embarrassed of my name being wasted like that and force their debut anyway

2. [+1,489, -17] YG needs to reflect for all the small agency CEOs who lined up their 6-7 members and hung their heads like criminals while begging them for a chance, for an opportunity... for the 6-7 members who had to stand there and listen to all sorts of harsh words while begging for at least one member to make it, so that he can work hard for the rest of his team. Does YG think they're absolved of their responsibility because they gave them TV exposure?

3. [+831, -14] YG never should've acted all superior to hundreds of those smaller agencies if they weren't going to follow through with their promise

4. [+515, -17] YG should've known once they committed that there could be a loss just as much as there could be a profit ㅋㅋㅋ Look at KBS, they debut their groups like promised no matter what, even if they flop. Everything can't result in a daebak... How can someone who put his own name and his company's name on the line act so irresponsible? I genuinely wish YG to fail.

5. [+159, -17] I like ONF

6. [+57, -2] I felt that while watching 'Mix Nine', WM is at least one of the more wholesome and better-trained companies out of the smaller companies. I know they get hate from their fans but WM is decent compared to the other companies ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+52, -6] Proud of our ONFies!!

8. [+50, -4] YG just doesn't seem like a trustworthy company. This isn't the first time they've mishandled something like this.

9. [+42, -1] The contract stated that it'd be 4 months of activities. I saw that WM had cleared all their schedules for the 4 months. For rookies, that's a huge sacrifice since they need to rely on every single day for exposure. How can YG turn around and demand a 3 year contract instead? I wish nothing but the best for all the trainees who suffered torture all through the show.

10. [+35, -0] It was a waste of time. Horrible considering that time is so precious for freshly debuted rookies. They needed the quick comebacks to keep fans interested but they wasted that time on 'Mix Nine' instead.


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