Article: Yang Yewon retorts Katalk release, "I needed the money but I was scared of the pictures being leaked, I felt in despair"
Source: Sports Today via Nate
1. [+4,325, -186] Not everyone takes nude photos just because they need the money. I've gone through difficult times too but I made my money in ways that I wouldn't feel embarrassed of. If you want to whine about how difficult the embarrassment you suffered was, then you need to reflect back on your actions and find what the problem is. Asking 13 more times to take pictures like that is not "despair", it's you being greedy with a way to make easy money.
2. [+3,830, -154] You realize you can make money by working at factories or your local supermarket too?
3. [+3,658, -152] Ah, so you admit you took those pictures you wanted the money, right?
4. [+321, -10] I'm a woman too but I would never take pictures like that no matter how desperate for money I was because I'd be scared of the repercussions ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ There are other ways to make money, you know. How is it any different from a prostitute saying she prostituted herself 10 times for the money and now she's claiming she was raped?
5. [+304, -12] You should feel ashamed... Now all the real victims in the world will be scared of coming forward... People will accuse her of being 'another Yang Yewon'... Please stop ruining the efforts of those fighting for women's rights.
6. [+300, -4] Most normal people would not go through with such a shoot if they felt scared
7. [+208, -7] She's totally in the right to demand responsibility out of the person who leaked those photos but she shouldn't have lied over taking those pictures when she willingly took them for the money
8. [+198, -14] It's like she's saying she admits to ordering jajangmyeon but was scared of it getting on her clothes
9. [+146, -3] So her entire statement is: I don't remember what doesn't work in my favor, I "gave up" on life but still wanted to pay my school bills, I "felt" like I was locked in, I "think" I heard camera shutters, either way what I'm saying is right... is she joking right now?
10. [+143, -3] Even if you needed the money, if you really were sexually harassed, you should've sued instead of taking more pictures again
from Netizen Buzz